Last night was our first session. A point of origin, to what will be at the least, a year long journey into this latest roleplaying game. Everyone enjoyed themselves and were content with their character creations. Their Starfinder recruiter is Duravor Kreel. The old dwarf stood before a hologram of a planet that appeared to have been ravaged by some disaster; there is very little water and no obvious
“Greetings, Starfinders, err... I mean prospective applicants” he says, without turning. “You are looking at Elytrio, a newly charted planet in the Vast. While you might dismiss it as a lifeless rock at first glance, it still has mysteries to plumb. The starship that discovered it was attacked by some kind of orbital defense system when it got too close; the vessel didn’t have the firepower to respond, so the crew made a prudent retreat. But we Starfinders don’t let these sorts of things go.” He pauses before continuing. “I’d like you to take a starship, travel to Elytrio, and discover all you can about it. If you find any inhabitants on the planet, do everything in your power to make peaceful contact with them. If the place is deserted, try to locate information about who might have built those defenses. Once you’ve got something interesting, report back to me here at the Lorespire Complex and by then I should have my answer to your admittance for membership. Any questions?”

Crew of the Pegasus, Explorer; Science Vessel
Science Officer- Twenty, Android Operative
Captain- Cassie, Elf Mystic
Pilot- Xan, Human Solarion
Engineer- Ketch, Ysoki Mechanic
Passenger- Z'idhul, Barathu Solarian
An unexpected journey through the Drift, lasting 25 days, the crew found themselves isolated as the automations of the starship demanded no warranted attention to those aboard. Boredom was a constant companion while mounting imaginations of attacks from those that lurk within the hyperspace dimension. No attacks came as the Pegasus reached its destination of the targeted jump. Receding out of the shadow of a nearby moon, an orbital drone defense platform, suddenly squawked to the comms. The robotic voice crackling in an alien language. The tone of the message was strident, and surly recognized as a warning. Drones were launched from the platform as the Pegasus engaged in its first starship combat. A few rounds, and the crew punched through the shields and ripped into the hull, disabling its sensors and temporarily severing its wireless link for combat operation.
The combat was slow but steady as the rules and phases were introduced. The characters were coming into their own as they assumed their roles. As we become more aware of the tactics and responsibilities, I ascertain the system will be more streamlined and engaging.
The group withheld any salvaging attempts on the platform or collecting floating debris for research, and began its decent toward the planet. Landing upon Elytrio, an hour into their overland travel, they were set upon by a stalking beast.
The hungry creature, appearing as a scaled lion, surprised a few during the encounter. Our android, the silicon based lifeform was taken down, but not before the indigenous fauna received multiple hits from numerous projectiles. A roll of 9 damage from Xan,finally felled the volatile beast. As Twenty was revived, they came into proximity of a non threatening hunting party. Appearing more curious than distrustful, the beetle-like aliens led them back to their tribe housed within a network of cave systems against the bluffs of the wasteland. They made it to their destination after having weathered through a fell wind carrying otherworldly strange crystals upon the wind currents. Initially having thought to be a type of castrolvelan fireflys in the far expanse, but no, these were sharp crystals with debilitating encumbrance upon hemorrhaging under the skin.
Next week we will bring further clarity to the Husk Ghibranis and the one creature who stands out in far contrast, equipped with wings and a dermal exterior appearing membranous over chitinous. Meanwhile, the starfarring party is further away from their initial but indented target. A large energy output was discovered coming from a fully functional city in the southern hemisphere. The readings indicate the city has a level of technology that is comparable to that of the Pact Worlds (albeit slightly outdated), and contains life forms of some kind. It seems like the best place to fulfill the mission Duravor has sent the party on. The destination however is encased within a half-mile radius of an unknown but powerful force field.
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